Wednesday, November 9, 2011

My First Public Blog

It's about time. Even if nobody else on the face of this planet reads this blog, it's time for me to pour out what is zinging around inside my head. Then I'll have some false sense that others are actually reading these thoughts and views because I'm very good at the art of self-delusion. If you stop and think about it, aren't we all--good at deluding ourselves. Some more than others. But I'll leave that for a future blog. As to those who dare to venture here--you can agree, disagree, sit back and enjoy the entertainment, think I've lost my mind (but then I'd have to change the title of the blog to One Hair Over Crazy), or just shake your head and slowly back away. Isn't it great to have choices?!

I love this life. Today. If you ask me tomorrow I may waver. It has nothing to do with what is happening today or tomorrow, but has everything to do with my attitude. And with what is currently playing on Pandora. For those of you who are music aficionados I won't have to explain. The rest of you...well, ask me in a private message so as not to embarrass yourselves. But I digress.

I love this life because we are given the opportunity each and every single new day to get it right. Therein lies the beauty--each day is a new day. Never used, not second-hand. All brand spanking new made for each one of us individually. I, and all of you, personally get to write on the tablet of this day and help to shape its outcome. I can fill it with whatever I want. Now, having said that, I'm not ignoring outside influences on this same day. There are others who are writing on that tablet also. Our tablets may overlap a little or too much for our own liking. But we all have our place to write and shape and influence. That's the exciting part.

What gets my goat are the people who whine and complain and are filled with negativity. They could have the best health and wealth and still try to spread their nonsense, almost as if they are the self-appointed generals of the negativity army. Nobody has it as bad as they do, and if only their life was different, blah, blah, blah. We all know them. They try their best to write this nonsense not only on their own tablets, but everybody else's as well, because in their minds...oh, I'm not even going to allow that negative place to suck me in. But here's the deal.

Each and every brand new day, we can choose what we write and say and do, and choose if we are going to be an influence for good on our own day, and by default, be a good influence on the days of others as well. Because I'm sure it's like one of Newton's natural laws that we can in no way be positive without it spilling over into the lives of others. Same holds true for the negative.

We all have our challenges and tough stuff to overcome. We ALL face crap. All of us. The excuses that "it only happens to me, etc." are just that--excuses. So stop making them and decide this day what you will write on your tablet. And for the love of all those around you, please let it be positive and uplifting.